The Media Model For The World
I am amazed by these facts and how the nation isn't demanding truth. Unbelievable. A whole country conned into war. I highly doubt there's any significant comparison to any other power throughout history. These blunders don't involve spears and catapaults, they involve hellfire missiles and flesh-searing napalm. Never before has any nation had the ultimate power to literally wipe out the entire human race. It would serve if the nation had the wisdom in controlling such powers. I have a past thread on military blunders, and this one is the biggest one ever. Tens of thousands of innocents dead. Not to mention the 1000+ (unlike your media I care enough to include the dead from suicides and accidents) US GI's dead and the continuing deadly occupation. For no apparent reason. Hussein's gone. Awesome! Iraq is no longer a threat (90% of the planet know they never were). Awesome! So why are they still there? To rebuild? Ha. Sure. That's so Marchish. This is may. Now it's to transfer power to the Iraqi people themselves. Awesome! Good work America! But why are you staying there after you transfer authority to the Iraqi people? We have to wait until Junish to find out. This is insanity and its' costing far too many lives. Rise up and stand up for reality; stand for reasoning and rational thought.