The death of the American dream may sound extreme, but it can no longer be denied that the US has lost a lot of prestige in the world over this revelation that America tortures civilians. To be fair to myself, I must say I've told people this and was laughed at, I explained and provided evidence of what I said only to be laughed at. The common American now can see what their nation has done to another nation, remorselessly. Even I, Mikimouse, the bane of your existence, was disgusted and in fact surprised when I saw the depraved graphic sadistic nature of the offending images. What kind of animals is the US producing to make and allow such things to happen? Keep in mind that there were sometimes over a dozen pairs of boots in those pictures. It's obvious the US isn't interested in what's good for the Iraqi people, and that's a shame. More will die needlessly, and many will be American. Teaching this to my boys is difficult, but necessary. They need to know what the US is doing to innocent people. They can't be brought up with their heads in the sand. It's your duty to teach what's true. Anything less is treason as a parent.