Humor at its sickest
Ruins That Speak Volumes
Published on March 26, 2004 By mikimouse In Professional Work
I really can't explain or describe it. I love photos of things of long ago, of places and things that reek of history. I love pictures that evoke the reality that these places have stories of their own to tell; that they were once (living) entities bustling with sounds, people, events ie. everyday busy lives. Take the boatyard section. You can almost hear what the old ships are trying to convey, that they have a past full of history we will never ever know. It's like an old retirement home, where things and people languish and stagnate yet are still not fully rid of the concept we call life.
For me, the picture that hit me the hardest and invoked the most vivid imaginations was this one here.
I can't explain why but when I look at it I can really imagine what would have been going on in that room long long ago before most of us even existed. How many people had looked out that window looking at whatever site they would have being looking at? I can imagine a janitor keeping that tiled floor nice and shiny. Maybe the room was a kitchen, or maybe an administration room. Who can know? The only one who can tell us what went on in that room is the ruins themselves. Which brings me back to my love of pictures that have their own stories to tell.

Another image is the next one.
Just imagine how many stories these walls could tell if it were possible! You can almost see the deranged ranting up and down this hallway, caregivers walking from room to room, How many people tripped and fell in this hallway? How many people had relatives come and visit? How many people died alone here? What would it have looked like when it was first built and occupied? Imagine the new fresh paint smell it would have had when it opened. It's overwhelming to think of all that may have gone on in that hallway.

on Mar 26, 2004
You know, you have quite a dark side to do I.

I like it. I like the pics you post. I particularly liked #9.....very atmospheric. I could almost see someone clad in a gown that gaped at the back, crouching in the corner behind the door.

Very nice....
on Mar 26, 2004
dark side. I have to laugh because I just introduced Star Wars (original old ones) to my 7 year old and I joke about bringing him over to the dark side of the force. heh heh heh. He's such a good boy I sometimes poke fun with him. You have the same dark side? Maybe we're a lot more alike than we think. But it's so easy sometimes to imagine what life would have been like when the buildings were alive with people coming and going, walking and running, laughing and crying, every conceivable emotion would have been present there at one time or another. The paint peeling off the walls is particularly thought evoking. It's evidence that it was once new and like an infant only to evolve into something old and used and left to the ages. I wish I had a time machine.