Humor at its sickest
Meanwhile, Hyping Up The Elderly
Published on May 26, 2004 By mikimouse In Politics
This event will pose no threat to the brave and dutiful government willing to hype fear among, of all people, many of the nation's elderly, mostly survivors of the hellish ruins of postwar Europe. While a western patriot myself, I have no qualms in saying 'Al-Queda' has no track record for either a)killing a man in a wheelchair, and condoning and not condemning the killing of a man in a wheelchair. These heroes will have their ceremony and the nation will remember their payments for the world we lived in until 911. For them, we are and will be eternally grateful. That's why it's pure rubbish to use their time with the bogus terror threat. Some of you may remember my prediction/fact a while back stating there would be an attack on the US around late Sept. and Earlier October. I think it may be possible the attack will be on the US led coalition forces in Iraq. Something out of the ordinary. Imagine the coup for Bush and Co. if their troops were killed with dirty biological WMD or something of the sort. Not only would the WMD lie be vindicated (oh it had to come from some secret arsenal known only to a select few Hussein henchmen) but the national support for Bush would rocket, the world would come together for America as it had after 911, and this time, THIS time, someone will prod Bush and control him better this second term. No more of the mission accomplished excrement, or the poking under tables looking for the WMD. No more of that. Mark me.
Comments (Page 2)
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on May 27, 2004

There's such big differences and reasonings behind each individual terror organization.

Who cares?  If you organize to terrorize people, who cares who belongs with whom?  Is there any ethical, logical, moral or any reason at all that anyone should tolerate organized terrorism in any part of the world?

You make it sound like 9/11 and all that happens afterward is politically motivated by the US government.  What do you claim the motivation is?

on May 27, 2004
Who cares? Who cares? THAT EXACT attitude is why your country is off on a rampage in the Middle East right now. Explore options and read for everyone's sake. Each group is different and that counts for lots when it comes to HOW YOU DEAL WITH IT. You just want to blow up buildings and conduct military operations to try defeat the faceless body of terrorism. By the way, why not fight ALL forms of terrorism? Not just the bad arab terrorists.
on May 27, 2004
mikimouse is right. Murdering innocent people is quite just as long as it's only Americans killed 'cause mikimouse hates America.
on May 27, 2004

By the way, why not fight ALL forms of terrorism? Not just the bad arab terrorists.

Uh, historically we have tried to.  We typically try not to wage war on Nations unless they do something to us, first, remember? 

Obviously you think that terrorism has just reasons since you find so much of it "OK".  It was perfectly OK for them to come to our home soil, hijack our planes and kill our innocent civilians?  I just can not understand how you can reason any of that.  Poor Arab terrorists are the victims.

on May 27, 2004
By the way, why not fight ALL forms of terrorism? Not just the bad arab terrorists.

Uh, historically we have tried to.

That's not 100% accurate. The US did nothing to stop the IRA, and many American's knowingly contributed money to the IRA on a regular basis. Until 9/11 the US didn't oppose ALL forms of terrorism.

Disclaimer: The above statement is in no way a support for terrorist actions or events.

Also, miki, I am confused by this article. Are you referring to the WWII memorial ceremony this weekend and saying that will be safe? I'm just not sure what the "ceremony" is or why the "wheelchairs" are relevant.
on May 27, 2004
victims? wow. you and dharma sure twist things and put words in my mouth. Silly you. Question: if a helicopter shoots 3 hellfire missiles into a crowded apartment building with the intention of killing one person, knowing you're going to kill many innocent civilians in the attempt, is that not terrorism? I ask because if you say no or try rationalize why it's ok for one side to do that form of terror then I know what type of mind you have. I know what the term terrorism means. And unfortunately for you it applies to both sides, the so-called 'good' and the so-called 'bad'.
on May 27, 2004
sorry yes of course I mean the WW2 ceremony will be safe. No terrorists will be attacking veterans of wW2. Take that to the bank.
on May 27, 2004

That's not 100% accurate. The US did nothing to stop the IRA, and many American's knowingly contributed money to the IRA on a regular basis. Until 9/11 the US didn't oppose ALL forms of terrorism.

That was the "tried" to part.  It's not always to recognize terrorist activity.  However, when we identify it, we try to fight against it.  But, priority is to protect our own country.

People will bitch about the US no matter what.  If we don't protect the world, then we are not doing enough.  If we try to protect the world, then we are just being monsters picking on the rest of the world.  You can't have it both ways.  All we can do is try to protect our own.

on May 27, 2004
good lord don't you know about the US sponsored terror in South and Central America? The CIA's bag of dirty tricks, their operations there? That's terrorism and the US was complicit. That's historical fact. Read some of what the US did while Nixon was, according to Kissinger, too loaded to run his country.
on May 27, 2004

Got any links to terror hijackings, bombings, decapititation where the CIA was *proven* to be involved? don't start with the *proof* against the terror groups either, they claim ther atrocities like a badge of honor.

on May 27, 2004
I apologize for being rude on my response

I wasn't offended. No problem.

on May 27, 2004

Collateral damage isn't terrorism.  It's sloppy and inefficent but it's not terrorism.

Terrorism, by definition, is the act of performing random acts of violence towards a civilian population for the express purpose of creating fear and uncertainty and is performed by persons with no definitive origin.

Al Qaeda wasn't targeting some person in the world trade center. They were simply murdering as many people as they could in the most arbitrary way to instill fear and panic amongst their enemies.

Moreover, if a military aircraft from country X wrongly bombs a building full of civilians in country Z then country Z has many options available to them.

Consider how much simpler things would be if the WTC had been attacked by say the government of Iran or some other nation state.

What's nice about nation states is that they are much easier to be held accountable.

The minute you give terrorists the same legitimacy as the governments of nation states you might as well throw up your hands and argue that criminals have their own legitimacy as well. Terrorists are just another form of violent criminal who have simply passed a threshold beyond what can be dealt with by civilian police forces effectively.

on May 28, 2004
The United States was founded by acts of "Terrorism". The rebels destroyed personal property, attacked soldiers of the "peacekeeping" force sent in by the world's superpower. They executed law abiding citizens.

Just so that everything can be put into a certain perspective.

on May 28, 2004
Terrorism should have a basic, simple meaning. But everything is relative, isn't it? This article is about our government talking of the terror threat and measures taken to prevent attacks at a ceremony. It's about a government that tells it's citizens just how unsafe we are in our home homeland, so much so, that we have to have such intense security at such a ceremony. hmmm, Terror fear. Yep, it's all relative.
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