Humor at its sickest
can someone tell me how???????????
Published on May 13, 2004 By mikimouse In Blogging
how is it that my site is in the top 10? how does the point system work for that one? Clearly someone considered a troll will gain from that label, right? I don't understand this site's point systems..explain anyone?
Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on May 14, 2004
Ba humbug!
on May 14, 2004
jakeD....lmao. you bastardo! I'll send you to the Wolfs.
on May 14, 2004
Not before I have yur wives and steal your wine ya lily livered bastard!
on May 14, 2004
Wives? Plural? No wonder your only about once every 10 days....
on May 14, 2004
lmao Corio...inside joke here with the jakeDmeister.....'lily-livered'?......lmao!
on May 14, 2004
Hey man, congrats! ttyl~

on May 14, 2004
Who knows if I can get him motivated enough he might even do some work
If I had a dime for every mouse post...I be a richer than Buffet.
on May 14, 2004
them's fighting words bastardos. And I haven't been given any motherfucking work yet mr.wolfowitz. So there. Oh yeah... You're fired.
on May 14, 2004
" Hey man, congrats! ttyl~"
thanks Sarah and I can only hope I do ttyl. lol.
on May 14, 2004
Your prolificness will be your down fall darth maul. On guard!
on May 14, 2004
ha! On guard! *swishes sabre* I spit on thy paltry offerings! *swish swoosh* "oops sorry Mr. Berg! :0
on May 14, 2004
Careful mouse, the elephant man might step on you Are you the flash in the pan, or are you player? Don't pull a monica and leave a bad taste in our mouths! Not only that, you must have style, substance, and a penchant for melodrama to make it to the JU bigleages! Don't settle for sloppy seconds, I'll bitchslap some quality posting into you yet!
on May 15, 2004
Well, apearently I'm a little late for the ceremonies, but congrats anyways. Here's a nice big block of llama cheese. Some alpaca milk. Of course, a nice little tray of squirel sandwiches.

From a medium hitter to a heavy hitter, way to go dude!

Capt. over and out!
on May 15, 2004
Well, congratulations!!! I know which one sent you to the top! It was the fuck you one!!! I'm very, very pleased you are there! And if it goes to your head, we will let you know.
on May 15, 2004
LMAO! Thanx fellas. JakeD....youse mine boy!
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